今天要介紹和試用開箱這款好東西【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】

【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】最近好多詢問哪裡買最便宜



相關【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】商品試用開箱

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】:

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】:


Windows 10 - 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional & Home Edition. Recover, Repair, Restore or Re-install Windows to Factory Fresh!

Repair BOOTMGR is missing or compressed, NTLDR is missing. Repair Blue screens of death (BSODs) at startup. Works on PCs/Laptops. Fully Compatible with most PC manufactures. Searches for problems and attempts to fix them automatically), Recover, Repair & Re-install your existing version of windows. This disc does NOT come with a License/COA/ Product Key. Use your original Windows 10 Product Key that came with your PC to fully reactivate Windows

Product description
Repair, Restore, Recover or Re-Install with Easy Recovery Steps for Windows. Save Time, Money and Fix your computer yourself in minutes with our quick and easy-to-use DVD with instructions. SOFTWARE FEATURES: ------------------------------------- BOOTMGR is missing NTLDR is missing NTDETECT failed Blue screens of death (BSODs) at startup And much more RESTORE: ------------------- Restore your Windows to an earlier PC working date. Rolling-back to a system restore point, recovering a full PC backup, or accessing a command-line recovery console for advanced recovery purposes. Restore can be used to return a computer back to factory settings, making your computer run like new! REPAIR: --------------- Includes Recovery Center with Automated System Repair for Windows System. Searches for problems and attempts to automatically fix them. Complete PC Backup and system restore. Command-line prompt for manual advanced recovery. RECOVER: ------------------ Access system recovery menu, giving you options of using System Restore. Complete PC Backup and Recovery. RE-INSTALL: -------------------- Complete Re-Install Windows to Factory Fresh!!! Effectively Eliminating Bloat ware, Viruses, spyware or any other Virus. A product key IS REQUIRED to activate. Use your original Windows License/ COA / Product key to activate.

Product details

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】


相關【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】商品試用開箱

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [106美國直購] 系統盤 Windows 10 32/64 Bit DVD SP1, Professional Home Edition. Recover, Repair Restor 【樂天商城】


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