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【開箱文】電腦軟體& [107美國直購] HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom FREE UPDATE 【樂天商城】最近好多詢問哪裡買最便宜



相關【開箱文】電腦軟體& [107美國直購] HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom FREE UPDATE 【樂天商城】商品試用開箱

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [107美國直購] HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom FREE UPDATE 【樂天商城】

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 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [107美國直購] HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom FREE UPDATE 【樂天商城】:


HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom + FREE UPDATE

HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2

for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom

Create stunning photographs of high contrast scenes

Have you ever photographed a high contrast scene, only to find you have blown out highlights and flat shadows?
Try High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography to capture the scene as you saw it:
· Take several photographs with different exposures (brackets)
· Merge the photos into an HDR image
· Adjust the image to get the look you want, from natural to artistic

What's new in version 6
More style choice for realistic results
A new HDR rendering method called Tone Balancer gives you more options for achieving a realistic look. It is well-suited to real estate and natural style landscapes.

Refine your image with more control over color
With the new interactive brush tool, you can make color changes to just parts of the image by painting over those areas. You can also remove color casts, enhance skies, and adjust other image features by fine-tuning the saturation, hue, and brightness of individual colors.

Avoid overdoing it
If you want a more realistic look, you can blend your original photo with the HDR rendered image. You can also use a brush to blend specific areas with the original photo, or one of the other photos from a bracketed set.

Remove distortion from your photos
If the horizon isn't straight or vertical objects like buildings aren't vertical, you can quickly straighten your photo and fix perspective issues where lines don't look parallel when they should. These are particularly helpful features for architectural and landscape photographers.

A more intuitive workflow
Whether you are working with a single image, or a bracketed set of photos, a more intuitive workflow makes it easier to load and choose images and proceed through to editing.

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [107美國直購] HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom FREE UPDATE 【樂天商城】


相關【開箱文】電腦軟體& [107美國直購] HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom FREE UPDATE 【樂天商城】商品試用開箱

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [107美國直購] HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom FREE UPDATE 【樂天商城】

 【開箱文】電腦軟體& [107美國直購] HDR SOFT Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 for Win PC and Plugin for Lightroom FREE UPDATE 【樂天商城】


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